
Writing Intent At Griffydam Primary School we intend for all children to develop as confident, accurate and expressive writers who are able to reflect upon their work and consider their audience. We expect that all children will have meaningful and rich opportunities across the curriculum to write in different styles and use quality texts to ensure that our children have high aspirations when writing. We want to develop the strongest of foundations within the technical aspects of spelling and grammar, so that this never impedes the flow of their imagination. We want all our children to develop a comfortable, legible and consistent handwriting style and to have pride in their written work, whatever the subject..

Reading Intent
At Griffydam we intend for all of our children to build the strongest foundations for a lifelong love of reading. We value reading as a tool for wellbeing and as a stimulus for the imagination and understand that, as educators, our role is to embed an appreciation for reading across the curriculum as well as to rigorously teach the fundamentals of comprehension and decoding.